Phantom Limb Pain (PLP)
For many years, Holly has seen that the most common and obstructive barrier to successful amputee rehabilitation is pain, particularly phantom and residual limb pain.
Those affected often endure exhaustion and loss of concentration. Depending on the severity, this pain can significantly delay or even halt an amputee’s recovery and rehabilitation. Moreover, the long-term reliance on prescription medications often proves ineffective and can lead to detrimental side effects.
With her post-graduate training in Western medical acupuncture and a solid background in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, Holly has been motivated to look for non-pharmacological methods for managing pain.
In her notable published paper, Holly demonstrated for the first time that a replicable electroacupuncture (EA) protocol effectively reduces phantom limb pain (PLP) in amputees. It is her hope that this simple yet very effective treatment will be adopted by other healthcare professionals as a standard option for managing PLP.
If you are interested in exploring this further, we’d love to hear from you.